Ocracoke is an unincorporated municipality sited near the southern part of Ocracoke Island. This Census-designated area can be found inside North Carolina’s Hyde Country. There are only about 769 citizens living in this village.
Ocracoke, formerly called Wokokkon by Native Americans, were used as fishing and hunting areas of Hatterask Indians.
Ocracoke is said to be the dying place of Blackbeard, an English pirate whose real name was Edward Teach. He loved staying at Springer’s Point Nature Preserve, was killed there in November 1718. The pirates occupying the area prevented the Europeans from fully settling into Ocracoke.
In the 18th century, the island served as home to shippers who transported goods. With the decline of the schooning business, citizens of 19th century Ocracoke relied on the United States Lifesaving Service.
The island of Ocracoke, located at the state’s outer banks, can only be reached by way of a ferry, private boat, or private plane. The village is situated near Silver Lake and Oyster Creek. The Ocracoke lighthouse, built in 1823, continues to run until today. A British Cemetery can also be found on the island. This was the final resting place of the casualties of HMT Bedfordshire, as most of the bodies were washed to the island’s shore.
In 1998, the remains of Fort Ocracoke located near Beacon Island, were discovered. This fort was used by the Confederates at the beginning of the American civil war.