The Walloon Region is one of the three regions that comprise Belgium. Belgium’s 33% of the population lives here. It covers almost 55% of the territory. The Walloon Region is a predominantly a French speaking region but around 2% of the population that stays in the eastern side speaks German too. Walloon Region has its own parliament and elects its own government. However, it exercises the political functions as defined in the constitution of Belgium. The capital of Wallonia is Namur.
Walloon Region comprises of these provinces: Walloon, Brabant, Hainaut, Liege, Luxemburg and Namur. On 23rd July, 1998 Walloon Region adopted its flag. It is a traditional flag that is similar to that of the French Community. The two regions share similar coat of arms. The authorities use same car flag. However, the seal is different and REGION WALLOONNE is written on it. The Wallonia flag has a red rooster in a yellow background.
The Agency for Economical Stimulation created by the government of Walloon helps in coordinating business developments in the region. The agency aids by creating an atmosphere that is conducive to business. It offers advisory services to the relevant institutions.
Walloon Region has officially recognized 43 mosques in 2007. With this Islam religion has been given same rights as other religions in the region. Now the Muslims are allowed to make their minarets on the mosques. Imams, like the Catholic priests are added on the government payroll. This move has come in the wake of high Muslim immigrant population in Belgium.